Kate Hampson played the title role in York Theatre Royal’s 2022 community
production The Coppergate Woman and returns to that theatre to play Marmee in
a new production of Louisa May Alcott’s classic story, Little Women, in September.
She lives in York with actor husband Julian Kay and their children, Arthur and Elsie. 

How I spend my days

Working as an actor, every day is different and I absolutely love that about this job. It will either be spent in rehearsals for theatre, filming on set or other work that actors do. If I’m not working I’ll be out walking Eric our cockerpoo, cooking, cleaning (which I love less!) or popping out for a cheeky coffee at one of our fantastic local cafes.

Friday night-cocktails or chill?

Friday night is disco night! (Sadly not…)! But the end of the working week definitely feels like a good night for cocktails. An espresso martini will do very nicely. York has some fabulous bars and pubs to share a glass with good friends. If I’m working in Theatre, it will be a post show peppermint tea and bed - so rock & roll!

Saturday morning-park run or papers?

I try and have a lie-in but I’m not very good at that… once I’m awake, I’m up and about. I’m usually the first up now we have teenagers in the house! I do run but have yet to make a parkrun. The one around York racecourse is always really well attended so I should definitely give it a go. I run with a brilliant group called Sunday Striders, so Saturday is our rest day!

Feeding time?

There are so many amazing restaurants and cafes in York, but we often struggle to get as far as town with so many great eateries on Bishopthorpe Road. The Pig & Pastry do delicious breakfasts, as do Robinsons further along the street. Angel on the Green has yummy tapas and great live music and Trinacria’s Sicilian ice cream cannot be beaten - the cherry and amaretto flavour is heavenly! I’m hungry just thinking about it…

Kate stars in Little Women this monthKate stars in Little Women this month (Image: Courtesy of Kate Hampson)

Retail therapy?

I enjoy a bit of retail therapy, especially with my daughter Elsie in tow. I especially enjoy a rummage around some of the great charity and vintage shops. It’s the lure of finding something quirky, sustainable and unique.

Saturday night perfection?

A party! I love a party. A room full of friends, fun and dancing. I’m also a big fan of going to the theatre or listening to live music and have watched some fantastic productions and gigs recently. I’m writing this at the airport, en route to Stockholm to watch Pink sing whilst hanging upside down! Otherwise a quiet family night in with a takeaway, a good film and snuggles is hard to beat.

Sunday relaxation?

A leisurely breakfast followed by a big walk in our beautiful county. The dales, moors, coast and forests. There’s so much stunning scenery on our doorstep to brighten hearts and soothe souls. Then a delicious pub lunch with family and friends. Our son, Arthur, is living away at the moment filming a new show for CBBC. He’s only home at weekends so quality family time feels even more precious.

Hopes for the year ahead?

Professionally, I can’t wait to start rehearsals for Little Women at York Theatre Royal. A wonderful place to work and one of my favourite stories - please come along and see us! My husband, Julian Kay, is also an actor and it would be great to work on something together this coming year. Away from work, my hopes revolve around my family and friends staying happy and healthy and that we get to spend more special moments together. Globally, for a more peaceful world where we can see change through our actions, thoughts and compassion.

Little Women is at York Theatre Royal from 21 September to 12 October.

yorktheatreroyal.co.uk | 01904 6235