Ruth, 27, joins Swinton Park as executive chef. She has worked in some of the UK's most prestigious kitchens, including the Ritz London developing skills in modern British cuisine. She gained three AA rosettes for the Princess on Shoreditch. Ruth moved to a house on the Swinton Estate earlier this year.

Tell us about your new role at Swinton

My new role at Swinton Park is entirely different to anything I've done before and not just because it's 200 miles north of London. The produce here is second to none, with the majority of it being grown in the walled garden, foraged from the woodlands, reared on our farms or caught in our streams. Being so close to the food-chain means we have direct say in how we want the produce for example, artichokes growing in the garden are harvested at the size we require every single time and herbs and cresses are picked an hour before each service.

Great British Life: One of Ruth's precision dishes from her new menu at Swinton Park. (c) Olivia BrabbsOne of Ruth's precision dishes from her new menu at Swinton Park. (c) Olivia Brabbs

First dish you learned to cook?

The first dish I remember making was a Sunday roast. I used to enjoy getting up early and preparing all the veg with my dad before going to play squash and coming back with a big appetite!

Most vivid childhood food memory?

Mum’s lasagne! It didn't happen all too often because it was a full day event! But, it taught me the importance of patience when cooking. Reducing the wine and simmering the ragu for hours, cooking out the roux properly, caramelising the cheese when baking, yum!

Most memorable meal out?

A few years ago I cycled from London to Paris for Springboard Charity as part of a group. We all decided to get a few drinks before trying to find somewhere to get dinner. After over an hour of searching for a restaurant that was still serving, we found a small back street steak restaurant that was closing down. We told them our story and immediately, the lights came back on. Before we knew if we were sat around the table with dishes of sautéed mushrooms, steaks, chicory salads, BBQ'd snails. Nothing fancy just honest cooking and the most generous hospitality. A night I'll remember forever.

Great British Life: Ruth in the kitchen garden at Swinton Park with Susan Cunliffe-Lister whose family owns the estate. (c) Olivia Brabbs Ruth in the kitchen garden at Swinton Park with Susan Cunliffe-Lister whose family owns the estate. (c) Olivia Brabbs

Favourite ingredient?

Garlic... wild, black, roasted!

Favourite Yorkshire produce:

Rhubarb. It's so versatile and works really well in desserts, with oily fish, cheese or chicken liver.

Your go-to snack:

Toasted and buttered malt loaf with a generous slice of whatever cheese is in the fridge. Or an apple... I probably eat 3-4 every day.

Favourite wine/drink:

After being introduced to sour beers a few years ago, they've fast become a favourite drink. So much so I brewed my own for international woman's day in partnership with Powder Monkey Brewing Co.

If you weren't a chef, what would you be and why?

A surgeon, I guess there are similarities; working under pressure and (hopefully) making people happy!

What's your guilty food pleasure?

Condiments and sauces. Or pickles.... straight from the jar.

Who are your Yorkshire food heroes?

Rowan from Masham Pigs. She has such a great product and it's all down to her passion and love for what she does.

Susan is such an inspiration. Her passion is evident in everything she grows. What she doesn’t know about gardening is not worth knowing! Her work ethic is unmatched and there is not a day goes by that she is not in the garden tending to the produce.

A chef who inspires

Tommy Banks. His cooking style in unique and his business mind set in evident through his brand.

A place you love to eat?

The Star Inn, in the garden if the weather is nice!

Your favourite ice-cream

Brymore Wensleydale and ginger cheesecake