From cooking for rock gods and movie stars to overseeing three restaurants and hospitality dining at Goodwood, Executive Chef Mike Watts reveals his favourite ingredient, who is his culinary idol and what Bruce Springsteen loves to eat

When did you first become interested in cooking?

I wish I had the age-old memories of cooking with my grandma or mother, but the truth is that I fell into cookery from a young age when I started working front of house in hotels. Watching the chefs at work and seeing how real kitchens operate really excited me and I wanted to experience that buzz for myself.

Farmer Butcher Chef Lamb Butcher's BoardFarmer Butcher Chef Lamb Butcher's Board (Image: Goodwood)

What is your signature dish?

In our flagship restaurant, Farmer, Butcher, Chef, we have ever-changing Butcher’s Boards where we use organic meats from Goodwood Home Farm, which is just across the road from the restaurant. We stand by the philosophy that you will never travel further than your food, so it really is a pleasure to design a menu around the best seasonal ingredients and to show off our incredible produce in all its glory.

If you could cook for anyone who would it be?

I’ve been lucky enough to cook for many famous people from US presidents, including Bill Clinton, to rock and movie stars such as The Rolling Stones, Bruce Springsteen, Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise, to name a few. I loved cooking for The Boss - he would come into the kitchen to say hello when we cooked his favourite dish of Dover Sole and steamed vegetables. But the truth is, cooking for my friends and family is where I get the most pleasure. For me, sharing your table and the food you create with people you love is what it is all about.

What do you eat at home?

I do a large amount of the cooking at home, but I have to balance this around Goodwood, a busy all-year venue. I am a big meal prepper, so the freezer is always filled with stews and tomato sauce for pasta dishes and all kinds of other get-out-of-jail-free cards throughout the working week! On my days off, I create some more adventurous dishes, making as much as possible from scratch. In the main we eat a healthy diet and put a lot of our focus at home to food provenance, just like we do in the restaurants across The Goodwood Estate.

What is the kitchen ingredient you wouldn't be without?

A decent vinegar. I favour a Cabernet Sauvignon red wine vinegar or Chardonnay white wine vinegar. The acidity in so much food is regularly overlooked, but is such a key criterion for elevating it. I use it in everything, from Bolognese and ratatouille to any kind of sauces.

What would you eat for your last meal?

Without doubt, an apple and blackberry crumble with custard!

Spiced Haunch of Lamb with Anchovies, Broad Beans, Baby Beets and Smoked BaconSpiced Haunch of Lamb with Anchovies, Broad Beans, Baby Beets and Smoked Bacon (Image: Goodwood)

If you could dine at any restaurant in the world, where would it be?

My favourite restaurant to eat at is Taverna Trilussa in Rome which is an incredible place all the locals go to and never disappoints. The dishes are simple, yet exceptional in every way. They go out of their way to make you feel welcomed and comfortable.

Favourite music to cook by?

Anything by the Stereophonics, preferably on my own in the kitchen so I can sing (badly)!

How do you relax outside of the kitchen?

I enjoy playing golf and cricket, which we are lucky enough to have here at Goodwood, but to keep things simple, taking the dog out for a walk seems to do the trick.

Who is your culinary hero?

It may sound predictable, but Gordon Ramsey. To chefs of my age, he has been an absolute legend Not only does he continue to be a successful TV personality, he can also back it up from a culinary sense.