Solo at Aughton is the new home of chef Tim Allen who has previously worked in Yorkshire, the Cotswolds and the South East. He has been awarded Michelin stars at Launceston Place in South Kensington, Carole Bamford’s Wild Rabbit in Kingham and Flitch of Bacon in Essex where he was a partner. But Solo – in the old Seafood Pub Co wine bar – is his first truly solo venture and serves high quality seasonal food.

The first dish you learned to cook?

Blanquette of veal,at college.

Most vivid childhood food memory?
My mum’s over-cooked skin on broad beans. It put me off for life until I learned that you should skin them and they should be bright green.

Most memorable meal out?
Michel Bras and De librje. Two completely different meals and experiences but deservedly equal.

Your favourite ingredient?

If you weren’t a chef, what would you be?

What’s your guilty food pleasure?
Chocolate digestives with a mug of tea.

Where do you love to eat in Lancashire or the Lake District?
The White Swan at Fence.

Describe your cooking style in three words?
Flavour, quality, focused

Tell us about your business. What plans do you have coming up?
We are just launching our lunch menu, £35 for three courses followed by our Sunday lunch. The terrace will be developed and open for spring. We are just finishing growing beds at the rest of the property so we can grow our own, albeit in limited amounts due to space.

Favourite chef and biggest inspiration?
Claude Bosi - proper flavour and Peter and Karen Miles, my business partners and above all friends, who show me anything is possible and have a true belief in me.