From billowing borders to ravishing roses, Hampshire’s gardens are about to burst into full bloom so here is our pick of the best to see this year

This large garden reflects the owners’ interest in trees, shrubs, fruit and vegetables, and also has a colourful medley of herbaceous plants mingling in deep borders that draw the eye down to the orchard and beyond. You’ll also enjoy the rose beds in summer and a small formal pond. Started from a blank canvas the garden has evolved over 17 years into a wide collection of beautifully cared for plants.

Pay a visit
Fairbank, Alton, GU34 4BU
Visits by arrangement from May to September for groups of up to 30
Admission £5, children free, home-made teas available

Keen gardeners, the owners are always adding to and further improving the palette and structure of this enchanting garden. Lovely planting, areas to explore and stunning vistas draw return visitors to see the latest project and admire the densely planted borders, arched rose walk, mirror pond, water rill and grass gardens. Look out for the newly designed David Austin rose garden set out in an octagonal shape. A real bonus too – many of the plants in the garden are propagated for sale.

Pay a visit
Colemore House Gardens, Colemore, GU34 3RX
Visits welcome by arrangement from May 15 to October 1 for groups of 10 to 40
Admission £10, children free, includes a guided tour

With wonderful far-reaching views, this three-acre garden has sloping lawns down to a reflection pool and fine mature trees. The garden was started in the 1960s and the present owners have altered the flower borders, planted a rose garden as well as an area of ornamental grasses. A striking lime avenue, wildflower meadow and productive kitchen garden are also to be enjoyed.

Pay a visit
Clover Farm, Shalden, GU34 4DU
Visits by arrangement from May 20 to September 13 for groups of 15 to 50
Admission £10, children free, tea and cake included

Great British Life: Admire roses at Durmast HouseAdmire roses at Durmast House (Image:
A rare treat, as the garden was originally designed by Gertrude Jekyll whose ideas of drifts of colour as opposed to the rigidity of Victorian bedding planting are still so relevant today. Having obtained copies of the design the present owners are restoring the garden to the original scheme. Old-fashioned blowsy roses feature, as well as colour themed borders and fine trees. A woodland walk leads to a Victorian wooden coach house and there is also a charming Lutyens style summerhouse

Pay a visit
Durmast House, Burley, BH24 4AT
Visits by arrangement until August for groups of 10 to 50
Admission £8, children free, cream teas available

Three-acre, partly walled, plantsman’s garden created for interest year-round with lovely colour combinations, from soft mauves and creams through dark maroons and deep purples to dazzling crimsons and gold. Some areas reveal themselves, bordering the flowing lawns and others are partly hidden by hedges to offer delightful surprises as you discover them. A new central area has been developing since 2011 giving it an exciting new dimension.

Pay a visit
Hambledon House, Hambledon, PO7 4RX
Visits welcome by arrangement until October for groups of 10 to 40

Hidden away by a belt of ancient woodland these elegant gardens extend out from the handsome house, which was built in 1784, with a classic formal rose garden of parterres filled with white roses, deep herbaceous borders that peak in late summer with hot tones, followed by an area of calm greens as an interlude. Pause here and then continue on to enjoy textural perennial borders in soft hues before stepping through a gate into the large productive garden with espaliered fruit, neat rows of vegetables, blowsy roses and flamboyant dahlias and a large glasshouse. Complete your visit with a delicious tea in the thatched pool house.

Pay a visit
Redenham Park House, Andover, SP11 9AQ
Open through the NGS on June 21 and September 20, 10am-1pm
Admission £6, children free, home-made teas available
Visits also by arrangement from June to October for groups of 10 to 30

Great British Life: The rescued cottage at Terstan is now pretty as a pictureThe rescued cottage at Terstan is now pretty as a picture (Image:
Developed over 50 years this contemporary cottage garden is a delight with its exuberant planting focused on colour, texture and design for year-round interest. Surrounded by views of the River Test with harmonious and interesting combinations makes this a garden not to miss. Developed from bramble and weed infested rough ground the gardens now extend gently out from the house with seven loosely linked garden ‘rooms’ that have individual character but with common motifs of circles and ovals to give a sense of continuity.

Pay a visit
Terstan, Longstock, SO20 6DW
Open through the NGS on June 23, July 21 and September 8, 2-5pm
Admission £5, children free, home-made teas available
Visits also by arrangement until September for groups of 10 or more

It’s always interesting to see how gardens evolve with new planting on an historic site. Here the relatively young garden, tended solely by the owners, has been designed, with both structure and planting, to be as easy maintenance as possible, by hand, powered machinery and sheep. At the centre is the recently rebuilt watermill, which generates domestic electricity, the water also providing a haven for waterfowl, swans and kingfishers. The garden is a lovely tranquil space with relaxed plantings, fruit, vegetables and wildflowers.

Pay a visit
Mill House, Sherborne St John, RG24 9HU
Open through the NGS on June 27 and 30, 2-6pm
Admission £5, children free

Developed by the owners since 1976, on a half-acre site the mature garden is a blend of influences, such as a Monet-inspired rose arch and small wildlife pond with water lilies and Victorian techniques of wall-espaliered fruit. Other areas include a billowing herb wheel, colourful sunny tones in an herbaceous border and a large kitchen garden. Beyond the garden a two-acre field with views over the countryside has been transformed into a wildflower meadow.

Pay a visit
Tanglefoot, Crawley, SO21 2QB
Open through the NGS on July 4, 7, 18 and 21, 2-5.30pm
Admission £5, children free, self-service teas available
Visits also by arrangement from June 18 to July 25 for £10 per person

Discover different areas in this small garden all with their own character. Designed for entertaining, with secluded seating spots and packed with plants, this garden is inspiring. Step under the arched folly, admire the Mediterranean garden and be intrigued by the living wall. There are also raised beds, decking with a planted gazebo, a summerhouse and a fishpond.

Pay a visit
Angels Folly, Fareham, PO16 7QJ
Open through the NGS on July 13, 14, 27, 28, 10.30am-5pm
Admission £4, children free, homemade teas available
Visits also by arrangement July 12 to September 1 for groups of five to 30.

Stretching out, down the sloping site, from the handsome listed house, you will be entranced by the artistic use of colour in the lush borders. The terraced south-facing lawns are bounded in medleys of mixed herbaceous as in an impressionist painting, with rich blues and purples, crimsons and tangerine painted in the themed beds. Visitors comment on the way the colours are used, especially in one border of just dramatic black, white and red. Situated as it is on a rural hilltop, the borrowed landscape of vistas over the forest and downs sets off the canvas of this artist’s garden.

Pay a visit
Wheatley House, Kingsley, GU35 9PA
Open through the NGS on August 17 and 18, 1.30-5pm
Admission £6, children free, home-made teas available
Visits also by arrangement until October for groups of 10 for £8 per person with light refreshments available

Great British Life: Clipped structure add formality at The Thatched CottageClipped structure add formality at The Thatched Cottage (Image:

Discover a pretty one-and-a-half-acre garden hidden behind a picture book 16th century thatched cottage, where borders billow casually accompanied by the soothing sounds of water from the pond. An old brick well provides crystal clear water for the array of pots and the wide collection of garden plants. Areas are loosely interlinked – from borders around the lawn, through to raised produce beds, roses scrambling over a pergola, to a restored gypsy caravan encircled in wildflowers.

Pay a visit
The Thatched Cottage, Upper Farringdon, GU34 3EG
Open through the NGS on August 25 and 26, 2-5pm
Admission £6, children free, home-made teas available
Visits also by arrangement in June and July for groups of 15 to 50