As the crisp autumn air settles in and daylight hours dwindle, Suffolk homeowners should be turning their attention to home improvements that not only enhance curb appeal but also bolster security and energy efficiency.

With this seasonal shift, there's no better time to consider upgrading your front door to guard against both the elements and unwanted intruders.

As dark nights draw in...

Did you know that November is the prime month for people breaking into your property?

The vulnerability of properties increases as darkness falls earlier, making homes more attractive targets for opportunistic thieves – and front and back doors are still the most common access point for potential burglars, either by forcing the lock or kicking it in.

As the clocks go back and nights draw in, burglars will target houses around 5pm as chances are occupants are still at work.

Bonfire night on November 5 is also prime time for break-ins, as well as the days and weekends around it as people can confuse the sound of breaking glass with fireworks.

A robust, secure front door acts as a powerful deterrent and it is why your front door must be as secure as possible.

A cold concern

While security is the most important element when it comes to your front door, with temperatures dropping during the colder months energy efficiency also becomes paramount.

An outdated or flimsy front door will not be performing as it should be, and draughts can significantly impact your home's comfort and energy efficiency.

A well-insulated front door that provides a barrier against the cold will enhance thermal efficiency to not only ensure a comfortable living environment but also help save you money on energy bills.

A solution to those concerns

Leading South East home improvement company SEHBAC has recently unveiled a new range of composite doors that have been designed to provide peace of mind as the nights draw in.

Manufactured to the highest specifications and security standards, they come equipped with a highly advanced secure locking system and the latest ABS security cylinder as standard. The solid 48mm timber core provides an additional layer of strength, ensuring your home remains a fortress against potential intruders.

They also boast an impressive U-value of 1.4 W/m2K, significantly reducing heat loss and helping to keep your home cosy throughout the winter.

And of course, your front door must also look the part. Marrying security and energy efficiency with style and substance, SEHBAC’s new composite door range comes in more than 30 door styles and 250+ colour combinations, including dual colour, so the inside and outside of the door can be matched to compliment your home and with a comprehensive range of door furniture, including the BLU stainless steel premium hardware which has been specifically designed to withstand Suffolk's coastal climate.

With autumn's arrival signalling the approach of longer nights and harsher weather, there's no better time to consider upgrading your front door to keep your family safe and comfortable – because you don’t want to let another autumn pass with an underperforming one.

Visit to explore SEHBAC’s new range of composite doors, or visit one of its 10 local showrooms across the South East for inspiration.