That old cliché – first impressions count – has never been truer than when it comes to selling your home, which is why getting your property ready for viewings is crucial to securing a quick sale.

At Hunt, thanks to years of experience in maximising a home’s appeal, we know exactly what you need to do to showcase your property at its finest.

First off, get the outside right… yes we’re talking good, old-fashioned kerb appeal, which is always high on a buyer’s wish list. A sunny day will help, but that’s obviously not within your powers. What is, however, is the removal of such unappealing objects as bins. A freshly mown lawn and a jet-washed driveway should also be on your to do list. You might want to consider giving windows and doors a fresh lick of paint, but at the very least make sure they’re clean. Flower pots and windows boxes can be transformational to the outside of a property, and better still, you can take them with you when you leave.

Similarly to out front, ensure your back garden is neat and tidy, with toys and any gardening equipment stored out of sight.

Now, moving inside, light and airy rooms are what you should be aiming for. As such, make sure all curtains and blinds are clean and open throughout the house to allow the light to flow. Even during daylight switch on lights and replace any blown bulbs. Also, consider moving furniture to help make a room look more spacious.

It sounds obvious, but remember to spring clean and wipe all marks from woodwork and walls. Perhaps strategically place a vase or two of fresh flowers or add some nice green plants.

A sale can live or die on one particular room, however, and that’s the kitchen. The biggest piece of advice we can offer here is to declutter until there’s barely a trace that this is the engine room of your home. Worktops should be cleared, appliances wiped and all washing up removed. Take down backboards, calendars and fridge magnets and store away bins, brooms and mops. You could add a bowl of fresh fruit for a pop of colour.

The goal of exuding space is especially important when it comes to reception rooms. Remove scruffy throws from sofas, plump and arrange cushions and if you have a wooden or tiled floor, take up rugs and show as much floor space as possible. Try to limit personal objects to a bare minimum, this includes lots of photographs in frames or on the wall. You might want to consider placing most of your personal items in storage, if budget allows. In fact, you could start the moving process even before a sale is achieved, as this will enable you to dispose of things you don’t want.

When it comes to bedrooms, obviously all beds should be neatly made, but also consider what bedclothes best complement the room. Crispy white bedding like hotels use is very appealing. Be sure to remove all items from bedside tables, apart from lamps. Clean mirrors and dust surfaces and remove clutter from the top of dressers and anything stored under the bed. Indeed, make sure all storage space is shown off to full advantage, and is not stuffed with all your paraphernalia, or buyers will think there’s no storage.

On to the bathroom, which needs to be nothing short of sparkling. Clean from top to bottom, ensuring grout and tiles are wiped down and gleaming and all items are removed from shelves. Unless your shower curtain is immaculate, take it down. Keep the toilet seat down and hide spare toilet roll. Any towels should be neatly arranged and folded.

Finally, remember that people love nice smells, so why not place some fresh peppermint oil in an oil burner. Also, if you have a pet, you should remove it and even better for viewings leave it to your professional and remove yourself!