Widely embraced in the US property scene, home staging is relatively unknown in the UK but it’s “gaining traction”, says Essex-based home stager, Sandra Zueco.

Founder of Fluid View, which helps homeowners, investors and property developers present and market their properties to maximise on their investment, one of Sandra’s projects was awarded the prestigious Best Renovation and Staging Project in the national House Wow Services Awards 2023.

Based in Great Dunmow, Sandra explains why she loves helping her clients to make the most of their properties’ sales.

Great British Life: Sandra Zueco, founder of Essex-based, Fluid ViewSandra Zueco, founder of Essex-based, Fluid View (Image: Fluid View)

'My educational background is in the fields of business and marketing. At the time when the pandemic hit, I was employed as a marketing executive. However, after being on furlough I found myself facing redundancy. It was during this period, at the age of 49, that I began contemplating the remaining time in my life and what I wanted to achieve. It became a time for self-reflection and analysis, as I pondered over what truly mattered to me and brought me joy. I craved a sense of fulfilment and recognition, where I could take ownership of both my successes and failures and have the freedom to manage my own time.

'With these thoughts in mind, I decided to follow my passion and established Fluid View, a venture that allowed me to combine my interests in marketing, design, and property. Over the years, I had already gained substantial experience in marketing, pursued studies in interior design while working, and even built a modest portfolio of buy-to-let properties alongside my husband. It felt like a natural progression to venture into home staging. I knew I needed specific training, so I trained to be a Certified Home Staging and Styling Professional and took the chance to venture into a new and rewarding career. I haven't looked back!'

Great British Life: Sandra sees her award-winning work on screen at the House Wow Awards 2023Sandra sees her award-winning work on screen at the House Wow Awards 2023 (Image: Fluid View)

For those unsure of what it entails, Sandra explains what home staging is, and what is not.

'Home staging is the art of preparing a property for sale by strategically arranging furniture, decor, and other elements to showcase its best features. It involves creating an inviting and visually appealing environment that helps potential buyers envision themselves living in the space. By enhancing the overall presentation, home staging aims to make a property more appealing, attracting a wider range of buyers and ultimately increasing its market value and reducing its time in the market.

'No matter what kind of property you have, big or small, empty, or occupied, all properties benefit from home staging. The key to successful staging is to strike the right balance between the investment in staging and the possible return.

'It's essential to know home staging is not about big budgets, extensions, or costly renovations. It is about finding the changes that will bring the best return. A professional home stager may suggest repositioning furniture to create a more open and inviting space, adding accessories like artwork and throw pillows to add colour and interest, painting walls to create a more neutral palette and updating lighting fixtures to create a warm and welcoming ambience. A home stager always looks at cost-effective solutions to improve the appearance of a property.

Great British Life: Unappealing and lacking in character, the bathroom was transformed into a stunning feature and was part of Fluid View's House Wow AwardUnappealing and lacking in character, the bathroom was transformed into a stunning feature and was part of Fluid View's House Wow Award (Image: Fluid View)Great British Life: Award-winning modern bathroom which added value to this Ipswich apartmentAward-winning modern bathroom which added value to this Ipswich apartment (Image: Fluid View)

'When staging an occupied property, home staging tries to work with what is already in the home and follows these main steps: cleaning, decluttering and organising, repairing, depersonalising, accessorising, and styling.'

We all have a personal connection to our home which can be a negative factor when you’ve decided it’s time to move.

Sandra adds: 'If you're interested in preparing your home for sale, getting a home staging consultation is a very cost-effective move. Seeing your home with the eyes of a buyer they will give you professional and honest advice tailored to your home.

'Most stagers offer a written report or action plan with detailed instructions on how to stage your property.

'You can then tackle the staging yourself or have the home stager do it for you. The best part of a home staging consultation is you will always get tips and tricks to help you style your next property!

Great British Life: The master bedroom was larger than average and made the rest of the flat feel smallerThe master bedroom was larger than average and made the rest of the flat feel smaller (Image: Fluid View)Great British Life: House Wow Award Winner - this Ipswich flat's bedroom staged with a king-size bed to emphasize how much space there was availableHouse Wow Award Winner - this Ipswich flat's bedroom staged with a king-size bed to emphasize how much space there was available (Image: Fluid View)

'If you have already moved out, or the property is empty for any other reasons, renting furniture and accessories for a limited time is the most cost-effective way to dress the property. This is a more expensive option, but if you have the chance to borrow furniture from family or friends, it can dramatically bring the cost down!'

Sandra also says it is important to point out it is not the same as interior design.

'Both disciplines aim to make a space look its best, but they have very distinct differences.

'Home staging aims to appeal to potential buyers and help sell a home quickly and at the best possible price. It targets a broad audience of potential buyers, is completed before a home is listed for sale, and is done on a limited budget, with a focus on making cost-effective changes that can improve a home's appearance and appeal. Home staging also emphasises creating a neutral, universally appealing space that will appeal to a wide range of potential buyers.

'On the other hand, interior design is focused on creating a personalised and functional living space for the homeowner's long-term use. It's tailored to the specific preferences and needs of the homeowner, may involve ongoing changes and updates over time, and may involve more extensive and expensive changes to create a personalised living space. Interior design emphasises the homeowner's personal taste and style preferences, and the goal is to create a space that reflects the homeowner's unique personality and lifestyle.'

Great British Life: Before, this room wasn't pulling at the heartstrings for potential buyersBefore, this room wasn't pulling at the heartstrings for potential buyers (Image: Fluid View)Great British Life: More appealing to buyers after Sandra has worked her magicMore appealing to buyers after Sandra has worked her magic (Image: Fluid View)

When we’re looking for a new home, there are key things we’re looking for in a new pad, perhaps more rooms, a bigger garden, but Sandra says falling in love with a property is about “more than just the physical aspects of the property”.

'It's about how the property makes us feel. Buying a property is a battle between the head and the heart, the head sets the requirements, but the heart needs to feel it's the right place.

'Sometimes you can find a property which seems like a perfect fit on paper, but it just doesn't feel right, and you can't quite put your finger on why.

'The aesthetics and visual appeal of a house play a significant role in our emotional response. Beautiful architecture, well-designed interiors, and attractive landscapes can evoke positive emotions such as joy, peace, or inspiration, making us more likely to fall in love with the property.

Great British Life: Room for inspiration before Sandra's home stagingRoom for inspiration before Sandra's home staging (Image: Fluid View)Great British Life: A workspace provides a focal point in the space of the roomA workspace provides a focal point in the space of the room (Image: Fluid View)

‘But it’s not just about looks, it’s about aligning the property with the desired lifestyle, aspirations, and self-image of the buyer. We need to understand the demographics of the target buyer and dress the property to fulfil the aspirations of that buyer group. For instance, if your target buyer values nature and sustainability, they might be drawn to a property with a large garden and environmentally friendly features, and the staging of the property will focus on those areas.

'To make a buyer fall in love with your property, you must put yourself in their shoes and consider their likes, preferences, and aspirations. It is important to view the property as an asset to be sold, rather than just a personal home. The goal is to package it in the best possible way to attract the right buyer who will be willing to pay the maximum price because they have fallen in love with it.

'In today's market, it is no longer just about having a roof over our heads, it is also about belonging, progressing in life, showcasing a status, and adhering to certain values. The aesthetics and visual appeal of a property play a crucial role in connecting with potential buyers, making home staging an essential step in the selling process.'

Great British Life: All properties can benefit from home stagingAll properties can benefit from home staging (Image: Fluid View)Great British Life: Renting furniture and accessories for a limited time is the most cost-effective way to dress the home ready for saleRenting furniture and accessories for a limited time is the most cost-effective way to dress the home ready for sale (Image: Fluid View)

Sandra’s ten easy home staging tips to improve your home appeal, increase perceived value and secure a faster and more profitable sale.

1. Declutter and remove personal items to create a clean and neutral space that allows potential buyers to envision their own belongings in the home. Remove excessive family photos, personal memorabilia, and unnecessary furniture.

2. Deep clean the property to ensure it looks well-maintained and appealing. If needed, hire professionals to clean carpets, polish floors, and scrub bathrooms and kitchens.

3. Stage each room purposefully to highlight its potential and functionality. If you have a box room you are using as a storage room, transform it into a small home office, a cosy reading nook or a nursery.

4. Use neutral colours on the walls and furniture to create a cohesive and inviting atmosphere. Paint the walls in light shades such as white, beige or light grey.

5. Let in natural light by opening curtains and blinds to create an airy and spacious feel. Install sheer curtains to allow maximum light while maintaining privacy.

6. Add mirrors strategically to reflect light and make rooms appear larger. Hang a large mirror on a wall opposite a window to amplify natural light.

7. Rearrange furniture to improve flow and accentuate the space's best features. Position sofas and chairs in a conversational layout to create an inviting living room.

8. Enhance curb appeal by maintaining the exterior and landscaping. Trim hedges, mow the lawn and add potted plants or flowers at the entrance for a pop of colour.

9. Create a welcoming first impression by ensuring the entrance is clean and tidy. Place a new welcome mat and clean and polish the door hardware.

10. Use accessories to add visual interest and create a lifestyle narrative. Place fresh flowers on a dining table or a colourful throw on a sofa.
