Liz Leatherdale tells us about her pre-loved pets, Maximas and Mrs Tibbles, and how they have had an impact on her life

Great British Life: EXG OCT 16 PETSEXG OCT 16 PETS (Image: Archant)

What is special about your pet?

Much has been written about the healing power of music and recent research has confirmed the healing power of pets. I am blessed with many special and significant people in my life, but they don’t have to spend all day with me and also go on regular walks! Max is a special part of my life. Over the last seven years I’ve lost seven relatives, including my parents and my only sibling. Our other pet, Mrs Tibbles, is also very special as we re-homed her from RSPCA Wethersfield in August 2001. Although she is now completely deaf and sleeps a lot, she still rules the home over the dog and sometimes the rest of us too!

What do you enjoying doing with Max?

Great British Life: EXG OCT 16 PETSEXG OCT 16 PETS (Image: Archant)

Regular walks are very enjoyable and take place at various locations including Colchester’s Archaeological Roman site, Gosbecks, with longer walks taking place at the nearby seaside or in the surrounding beautiful countryside in Birch. Max listens to classical music when accompanying me at work. This may make him calm, but when out he tends to be quirky, entertaining and frequently leads another dog astray in some hilarious antic.

How did Max join your family?

Max burst into our lives on April 23, 2012 as a five-month old. A very lively, boisterous bundle of joy and a pre-loved puppy from the Labrador South East Rescue Home.

Great British Life: EXG OCT 16 PETSEXG OCT 16 PETS (Image: Archant)

Are there any special memories you have of Max?

Puppy Max enjoyed finding, retrieving and shredding tissue boxes or toilet rolls until this supply dried up, then he would source other delicacies, such as our son’s favourite clothes or items of my underwear. After ‘being taken by the Max’ items were not fit for purpose.

Great British Life: EXG OCT 16 PETSEXG OCT 16 PETS (Image: Archant)

Do you have any funny stories you can share involving Max?

There are many stories, but one is making me laugh at a most inappropriate situation when he was found licking my late mum’s false teeth. The teeth were out with a bag of clothes and personal effects in readiness for the next visit to the funeral directors. Mum would have laughed, but maybe requested a visit to the dentist for a fresh pair of dentures!

About Liz

Liz Leatherdale combined both her music and marketing education with her careers initially at the BBC, for twenty years at Chandos and now at her own CD mail-order service, Colchester Classics, celebrating 10 years serving clever collectors and those starting their love affair with classical music, plus a unique service directly to choirs, music ensembles and at concerts. Colchester Classics does not have a retail outlet in Colchester and should never knowingly be confused with any other company. When not immersed in the above, Liz has the privilege of previewing and reviewing concerts in Essex Life and a very active social life.