Discover how technology is opening up more possibilities in education.

Great British Life: Martin Priestley, headmaster at The Leys School. Picture: The Leys SchoolMartin Priestley, headmaster at The Leys School. Picture: The Leys School (Image: Archant)

From launching a podcast to developing a VR classroom, headmaster Martin Priestley from The Leys School in Cambridge shares how the use of IT is enriching pupils’ education.

Q: How has the school’s use of technology helped during Covid-19?

A: We have always been innovative in our approach to blending digital technology into our education. All pupils have had iPads here for years, and staff have long been familiar with delivering lessons via Google Classroom, so when lockdown came, we had a strong platform on which to launch our remote learning.

Great British Life: All pupils have access to a personal iPad and are familiar with using Google Classroom. Picture: The Leys SchoolAll pupils have access to a personal iPad and are familiar with using Google Classroom. Picture: The Leys School (Image: Archant)

Q: What other kinds of technology have you invested in and why?

A: In 2019, we created a VR classroom. This is an immersive space where pupils can engage with lesson content in new and exciting ways. It encourages our pupils’ creativity, stimulates their imagination, and makes learning fun.

Technology is an integral part of the modern world - teaching digital skills is essential for preparing young people for life beyond school. We help pupils navigate the threats and issues our digital world presents, teaching them how to identify fake news and stay safe online.

Great British Life: Pupils from The Leys School launched 'LIT Radio' during the pandemic to make up for missing out on visits from guest speakers. Picture: The Leys SchoolPupils from The Leys School launched 'LIT Radio' during the pandemic to make up for missing out on visits from guest speakers. Picture: The Leys School (Image: Archant)

Q: How can the use of technology change the way we teach and learn?

A: It allows us to adopt a blended learning approach, combining online educational materials and interaction with traditional classroom methods.

This has benefits for pupils both in and outside of the classroom. They have more control over the pace they learn. It provides a more comprehensive understanding of the syllabus, and enables us to offer additional support to pupils that need it most.

Pupils can play an active part in how and where they learn. It encourages them to study independently at their own pace, building on the knowledge they have gained in classroom lessons.

Our academic strength was recognised by The Sunday Times Parent Power Awards, which named us East Anglia Independent Secondary School of the Year 2019.

Q: How have pupils responded to the increased use of technology in their learning?

A: Pupils have enthusiastically embraced the greater use of IT in their education, especially in recent months. A group of sixth form pupils launched a podcast radio station - LIT Radio - to compensate for missing out on live visits by guest speakers during the pandemic.

They have used the platform to discuss things of interest to them in school life and the wider world. We’re overjoyed to see pupils making the most of the materials available to them to enhance their learning.

Other successful interactive online activities have included a careers forum, a business conference, and a “visit” by an author.

Q: Why should pupils attend The Leys School?

A: In addition to our strong and flourishing academic reputation, The Leys has been identified by Metropolis Education as being a ‘Leader in Wellbeing’ among UK boarding schools. We aim to help our young people to develop into well-rounded individuals with sound values.

We are the leading co-educational boarding and day school in Cambridge for pupils aged 11 to 18. Established in 1875, we value our history immensely, blending our traditional values with a forward and outward-looking approach to education.

We offer outstanding teaching and excellent facilities on our large, leafy campus in the centre of one of the world’s most intellectually and culturally stimulating cities.

If you’re interested in joining us, we’d love to hear from you. We have a limited number of boarding spaces available for September 2021.

Visit for details of how to apply.

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