Based at the picturesque Chatsworth Estate and with a passion for locally sourced, artisan produced and heritage ingredients, executive chef Adam leads the culinary team at Devonshire Hotels and Restaurant Group, which includes The Cavendish Hotel at Baslow, The Devonshire Arms Inns at Pilsley and Beeley, and The Devonshire Arms Hotel and Spa at Bolton Abbey along with The Fell at Burnsall in Yorkshire. ‘I will continue to push the boundaries of farm-to-table dining whilst honouring the rich culinary heritage of the two regions,’ he says. Here, Adam shares his food loves.

First dish you learned to cook?

A classic British Sunday roast. It’s a meal that brings families together and for me represents the heart of British cuisine.

Most vivid childhood food memory?

One of my most vivid and evocative childhood food memories is baking bread with my Nan. The smell of freshly baked bread and the sense of accomplishment from making something from scratch has stayed with me ever since.

Most memorable meal out?

My most memorable meal out was at ‘Noma’ in Copenhagen. The creativity and innovation in every dish were truly inspiring and it opened my eyes to the endless possibilities of the culinary arts.

Favourite ingredient?

My favourite ingredient is the heritage tomatoes from the Chatsworth Estate Kitchen Garden. Their vibrant flavour and versatility make them a joy to work with, and they truly represent the quality of local produce we’re so fortunate to have here grown right on our doorstep.

Your go-to snack?

My go-to snack is a simple cheese and chutney sandwich, using locally-sourced cheese and tangy homemade chutney.

If you weren’t a chef, what would you be doing?

If I weren’t a chef, I would likely be involved in sustainable farming. I have a deep appreciation for where our food comes from and the importance of sustainable practices, as I've learnt so much from our brilliant farmers on the Chatsworth Estate.

Your dream dinner guest?

My dream dinner guest would be Gordon Ramsay. His passion for cooking and relentless pursuit of excellence are incredibly inspiring, and I would love to learn from his experiences.

Your guilty food pleasure?

My guilty food pleasure is a hearty portion of fish and chips. It’s a comforting and quintessentially British treat that I can never resist!

Who are your Derbyshire food and drink heroes?

My Derbyshire food and drink heroes include the local farmers and producers who provide us with such high-quality ingredients. Their dedication and hard work are the backbone of our culinary success.

A hospitality industry person who inspires?

A person who inspires me in the hospitality industry is Adam Smith. His approach to flavour and his ability to bring out the best in vegetables has significantly influenced my own cooking style.

A place you love to eat?

I love to eat at Lime Wood Hotel in Hampshire. It’s always inspiring as their commitment to seasonal and local ingredients there resonates with my own culinary philosophy.

A career highlight?

A career highlight for me was being appointed executive chef at Devonshire Hotels and Restaurant Group. It’s an honour to lead such a talented team and create dishes that highlight the best of what Derbyshire and Yorkshire have to offer.

What’s next for you?

Next, I aim to continue exploring innovative ways to incorporate more heritage and locally sourced ingredients of the estate’s amazing suppliers we have onto our menus, further strengthening our connection to the community and the local land.

Adam’s favourite dish

‘My favourite dish to prepare is a slow-cooked lamb shoulder with Chatsworth Estate vegetables. The sweet flavour and tenderness of the lamb, combined with the fresh, vibrant flavours of the vegetables, creates a comforting and delicious meal that perfectly represents the essence of our regional cuisine,’ says Adam.

Slow-cooked lamb shoulder with Chatsworth Estate vegetablesSlow-cooked lamb shoulder with Chatsworth Estate vegetables (Image: The Cavendish Hotel)