Illustrator Josephine Scales was brought up in Carlisle, training first at Carlisle College of Art and then in Liverpool, where she lived for many years.

She now lives in Brampton with her partner Dave and their two young children. Jo’s work has included illustrations for Sussex Life and Rowing and Regatta magazines, for BBC Bitesize and Cbeebies and for National Museums Liverpool.

Jo is currently working on a series of drawings of Cumbrian villages and towns.

DrawingBabyDaysDrawingBabyDays (Image: Jo Scales)

Every day is different, especially at the moment with a baby, and another part-time job. I once read that if you want something done, ask a mum, and it’s true – we can fit so much into a day. Luckily, I have a lot of help so if something’s needed fast I can still do it.

My recent DrawingBabyDays project – one quick drawing a day over nine months – was different from the way I usually work. My illustrations normally start as drawings, which I then scan into the computer to piece together, change elements and add colour and patterns. When I did my degree, I hated computers, but there’s really no going back from them now.

The BBC CBeebies work was really nice to do as I was in ‘babyland’ at the time and it was lovely when it was seen and appreciated by other parents. I love seeing my stuff in magazines too, of course, although when younger I also really enjoyed creating fun installations for a Liverpool festival.

BBC Bitesize commissioned artwork by Jo ScalesBBC Bitesize commissioned artwork by Jo Scales (Image: Jo Scales)

You can have whatever you want in an illustration, telling a whole story in one picture, putting anything in there, as crazy as you like. I also love it when I get commissions and people to tell me all sorts of random stuff about their lives that I can incorporate. Oh, and I do love a deadline…

DrawingBabyDays kept me drawing while on maternity leave: you never develop as an artist unless you keep doing it. Commissions, my own new work and my part-time job all keep me busy, and having two jobs does keep me disciplined. Weekends though are just for the kids – with a swim a week just for me.

I’m busy with my Cumbrian villages project just now, with prints of Hayton, Brampton, Wetheral and Cummersdale so far. There’ll be one for every month of the year, and I can personalise them too, so you will see yourself in the print. Individual commissions keeping coming in too, which all need extra admin and time.

Brampton by Josephine ScalesBrampton by Josephine Scales (Image: Jo Scales)

I’d like to get back into doing more regular magazine illustration work in future. And I’d love to exhibit, for charity, the 278 pictures that make up DrawingBabyDays, if anyone could suggest a possible venue?

See Jo’s work at

Instagram @josephinescalesillustration @drawingbabydays

FB @JosephineScalesIllustration