This month our Real Housewife Hanna Kinsella is sharing her plans for summer fun for busy mums

As you all know I am the definition of a busy mum of two toddlers, running multiple businesses and trying to keep everything in balance, so finding activities to keep them entertained during the summer while not dropping the other balls I am juggling can be a challenge. I’m literally always on the lookout for ideas and things I can do with them both at the weekends, especially now the weather is getting better. I’ve discovered that with a bit of planning and creativity, you can make summer activities super fun for your little ones without breaking the bank. Here are my ideas and plans for things to do this summer, which I thought I would share, as they may help our other busy mums too.

1. Explore nature

Cheshire is brimming with picturesque parks, gardens, and nature reserves waiting to be discovered. I love taking them on nature walks at Delamere Forest or having a picnic with friends at Tatton Park. The kids love the fresh air and open spaces and it’s also a great way to tire them out for nap time. And I have learned that we don’t always have to make a grand excursion - Max and Kimia absolutely love going to the park and we can do this even in the smallest window of opportunity!

2. Visit local attractions

I love taking Max to Oxygen, in Wilmslow. It’s a fab indoor trampolining play centre that offers toddler slots in the morning with lots of fun games; definitely worth checking out! I am also keeping an eye out for family-friendly events happening in our area. Many museums, libraries, and community centers offer free or low-cost activities for children, such as storytelling sessions, craft workshops, and puppet shows and we’ll definitely be signing up for some of these.

Great British Life: Max LOVED his first swimming lesson!Max LOVED his first swimming lesson!

3. Embrace water play

With its unpredictable weather, summer in the UK calls for water-based activities. I’ve not set up my paddling pool in the garden yet so I tend to take them to Hale Country Club as it’s got a fab outdoor pool that they LOVE swimming in. Max has also started swimming lessons at the Marriott Leisure Centre in Hale on Saturday morning and he is loving it!

For those days when you're staying closer to home, here are some budget-friendly activities we enjoy indoors.

1. DIY crafts

We often raid our recycling bin for materials and get creative with arts and crafts. From making homemade playdough to creating cardboard forts, there are endless possibilities for imaginative fun. Martin and I recently dressed up as pirates and did a make-shift treasure hunt for them in the garden from left over Easter chocolate coins and it was so much fun!

2. Movie nights

This is one of our favourite family events. We transform our living room into a cosy cinema with blankets, popcorn, and a family-friendly film. It’s a simple yet effective way to create special memories without breaking the bank – and it’s so easy to get them upstairs to bed afterwards! Max and Kimia are obsessed with the Minion Movie so we often put that on and cuddle up.

3. Indoor campouts

We have been known to pitch a tent in the living room or build a blanket fort and have a camping adventure indoors. I love to read them a story, play games and snuggle up for a night under the stars (or ceiling!).

It can be so hard coming up with ideas on how to entertain the kids at weekends but I’ve found by combining outdoor adventures with indoor creativity I can definitely make our family time both memorable and budget-friendly. It’s so lovely to see Max and Kimia interacting with each other now and really engaging in play. Don’t get me wrong it’s definitely not all fun and games but I try to enjoy my time with them as much as I can, and forward planning these easy, non-stressful play sessions in really helps.