When you think ‘dine fine in Manchester’, there are many, many options to ponder on, but I admit, Mount Street Dining Room & Bar at The Midland Hotel isn’t the first to spring to mind – and that’s a shame, because it delivers in every respect you could hope for.

Great British Life: Rise'n'Shine! Too delicious to just have one...Rise'n'Shine! Too delicious to just have one... (Image: Kate Houghton)

We took ourselves along on a cool Thursday night and the space had a quiet, relaxed buzz about it, which is always a good start. Browsing the drinks menu, I didn’t get past the Signature cocktail, Rise’n’Shine - orange gin, Triple Sec, orange marmalade and lemon juice. It soon arrived and looked almost too pretty to drink, but I did so anyway, and it was delicious. So good I had a second one later in the meal.

For my starter I opted for the Jerusalem Artichoke Soup, with Nettle Pesto and Truffle Scented Crouton. Oh my, an autumnal hug in a bowl, just superb. So good I immediately googled recipes – it's definitely one to have a go at, although I already know there’s no chance of achieving the rich, deep flavour and smooth texture of this one, and not a chance I shall risk a nettle pesto, which is a shame because it’s really good. ‘Truffle scented’ croutons however somewhat passed me by – I didn’t get any hint of truffle, but then I was eating, not inhaling.

Great British Life: Slow Cooked Pig's CheekSlow Cooked Pig's Cheek (Image: Jodi Hinds Photography 2022)

Mike opted for Slow Cooked Pig’s Cheek with Watercress Puree, Nasturtium Leaf and Pink Grapefruit. Another very pretty presentation, with petite portions of soft and succulent pig’s cheek in a delicate salad. He used the term ‘sublime’, wishing, in the same sentence, there was more to be had.

Great British Life: Butternut Wellington at Mount Street Dining Room & Bar: everything you hope it could be...Butternut Wellington at Mount Street Dining Room & Bar: everything you hope it could be... (Image: Jodi Hinds Photography 2022)

On an autumnal roll, I chose Butternut Wellington for my main course, with fondant potato, charred cabbage and roasted vegetable jus. It was wonderful – filling, but not overwhelming, with sweet butternut encased in a perfect pastry; crisp on top, soft inside and with no hint of a soggy bottom. The potato was soft and buttery, the cabbage a revelation (another one for me to google) and the jus not a jus, but a thick, rich, deeply delicious gravy you can’t quite believe has no meat stock in it.

Great British Life: Fillet steak, with truffle and parmesan chipsFillet steak, with truffle and parmesan chips (Image: Kate Houghton)

Mike, as ever, went for a steak, fillet on this occasion. All the steak served at Mount Street comes from Limousin cattle raised on a Yorkshire farm, then aged for 28-days, before cooked over a live fire grill. Mike ran out of superlatives to describe how good it was, resorting instead to little happy noises as he ate. Bless.

Question – are you a starter and main, or a main and pudding kind of person? I usually say the former, but not having filled myself with heavy proteins on this occasion, I was able to go all in and grab a pudding too.

Great British Life: Puddings galore - pretty as pictures and a delight to enjoyPuddings galore - pretty as pictures and a delight to enjoy (Image: Jodi Hinds Photography 2022)

A chocolate fondant, in fact. I have seen it many a time on Masterchef, and the test for success of course is whether it oozes smooth chocolate sauce upon being opened. Oh my - I felt like Greg Wallace as I dug in and the sauce spilled out, thick and rich. And oh, the eating! Rich, luscious, tongue-coating chocolate to die for.

Overall, a really superior experience, and you can be sure Mount Street Dining Room & Bar is firmly on my list of Manchester dining recommendations from now on.
